Meaning Cranial nerve
What does Cranial nerve mean? Here you find 30 meanings of the word Cranial nerve. You can also add a definition of Cranial nerve yourself


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Cranial nerve

The eighth cranial nerve is the vestibulocochlear nerve. The vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for the sense of hearing and it is also pertinent to balance, to the body position sense. Problems with the vestibulocochlear nerve may result in deafness, tinnitus (ringing or noise in the ears), dizziness, vertigo and vomiting. The 12 cranial nerve [..]
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Cranial nerve

The eleventh cranial nerve is the accessory nerve. The twelve cranial nerves, the accessory nerve included, emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium) as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. The accessory is so-called because, although it arises in the brain, it receives an additional (accessory) root from the uppe [..]
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Cranial nerve

The fifth cranial nerve is the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve is quite complex. It functions both as the chief nerve of sensation for the face and the motor nerve controlling the muscles of mastication (chewing). Problems with the sensory part of the trigeminal nerve result in pain or loss of sensation in the face. Problems with the motor r [..]
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Cranial nerve

The cranial nerves emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. There are twelve cranial nerves. The first cranial nerve is the olfactory nerve which carries impulses for the sense of smell from the nose to the brain. The word "olfactory" comes from the Latin "o [..]
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Cranial nerve

The fourth cranial nerve, the trochlear nerve, is the nerve supply to the superior oblique muscle of the eye, one of the muscles that moves the eye. Paralysis of the trochlear nerve results in rotation of the eyeball upward and outward (and, therefore, double vision). The twelve cranial nerves, the trochlear nerve included, emerge from or enter the [..]
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Cranial nerve

The ninth cranial nerve is the glossopharyngeal nerve. The 12 cranial nerves, the glossopharyngeal nerve included, emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies the tongue, throat, and one of the salivary glands (the parotid gland). Problems [..]
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Cranial nerve

The second cranial nerve is the optic nerve, the nerve that connects the eye to the brain and carries the impulses formed by the retina -- the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light and creates the impulses -- to the brain which interprets them as images. The cranial nerves emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed [..]
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Cranial nerve

The seventh cranial nerve is the facial nerve, a mixed nerve that has fibers both going out and coming in (both efferent and afferent fibers). It supplies the muscles of facial expression. Paralysis of the facial nerve causes a characteristic picture with drooping of one side of the face, inability to wrinkle the forehead, inability to whistle, ina [..]
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Cranial nerve

The sixth cranial nerve is the abducens nerve. It is a small motor nerve that has one task: to supply a muscle called the lateral rectus muscle that moves the eye outward. Paralysis of the abducens nerve causes inward turning of the eye (internal strabismus) leading to double vision. The cranial nerves, the abducens nerve included, emerge from or e [..]
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Cranial nerve

The tenth cranial nerve, and one of the most important, is the vagus nerve. All twelve of the cranial nerves, the vagus nerve included, emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. The vagus nerve originates in the medulla oblongata, a part of the brain stem. The vagus nerve i [..]
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Cranial nerve

The third cranial nerve is the oculomotor nerve. The cranial nerves emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. There are twelve cranial nerves. The oculomotor nerve is responsible for the nerve supply to muscles about the eye: The upper eyelid muscle which raises the eyelid; [..]
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Cranial nerve

See: Twelfth cranial nerve.
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Cranial nerve

twelve pairs of nerves that arise from each side of the brain stem numbered I to XII from anterior to posterior


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Cranial nerve

any of the twelve couples of nerves that stem directly from the brain and are dispersed primarily to constructions in the neck and head. They are: (I) olfactory nerve, (II) optic nerve, (III) oculomot [..]


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Cranial nerve

A nerve that is connected directly to the brain. Composed of a set of pathways concerned mainly with sensory and motor systems associated with the head, the cranial nerves together constitute one of the three main subdivisions of the peripheral nervous system. There are 12 cranial nerves, typically designated by Roman numerals I–XII. See Figure 2.9 [..]
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Cranial nerve

one of 12 pairs of nerves that originate in the brain as opposed to the spinal cord craniocervical junction
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Cranial nerve

Twelve pairs of nerves that carry general Afferent, Visceral afferent, special afferent, somatic efferent, and autonomic efferent fibers.


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Cranial nerve

The 8th Cranial Nerve. The vestibuloCochlear Nerve has a cochlear part (Cochlear Nerve) which is concerned with Hearing and a vestibular part (Vestibular Nerve) which mediates the sense of balance and [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 11th Cranial Nerve. The accessory nerve originates from Neurons in the medulla and in the cervical spinal cord. It has a cranial root, which joins the vagus (10th cranial) nerve and sends motor fi [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 5th and largest Cranial Nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve. The larger sensory part Forms the ophthalmic, mandibular, and Maxillary Nerves which carry afferents sensiti [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 1st Cranial Nerve. The olfactory nerve conveys the Sense of Smell. It is formed by the Axons of Olfactory Receptor Neurons which project from the olfactory Epithelium (in the nasal Epithelium) to [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 4th Cranial Nerve. The trochlear nerve carries the motor innervation of the superior oblique Muscles of the eye.


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Cranial nerve

The 9th Cranial Nerve. The glossopharyngeal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve; it conveys somatic and autonomic efferents as well as general, special, and Visceral Afferents. Among the connecti [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 2nd Cranial Nerve. The optic nerve conveys visual information from the Retina to the Brain. The nerve carries the Axons of the Retinal Ganglion Cells which sort at the Optic Chiasm and continue vi [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 7th Cranial Nerve. The facial nerve has two parts, the larger motor root which may be called the facial nerve proper, and the smaller intermediate or sensory root. Together they provide efferent i [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 6th Cranial Nerve. The abducens nerve originates in the abducens nucleus of the Pons and sends motor fibers to the lateral rectus Muscles of the eye. Damage to the nerve or its nucleus disrupts ho [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 10th Cranial Nerve. The vagus is a mixed nerve which contains somatic afferents (from Skin in back of the ear and the external auditory meatus), Visceral Afferents (from the Pharynx, Larynx, Thora [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 3d Cranial Nerve. The oculomotor nerve sends motor fibers to the levator Muscles of the eyelid and to the superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique Muscles of the eye. It also sends p [..]


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Cranial nerve

The 12th Cranial Nerve. The hypoglossal nerve originates in the hypoglossal nucleus of the medulla and supplies motor innervation to all of the Muscles of the tongue except the palatoglossus (which is [..]


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Cranial nerve

These are nerves which emerge directly from the brain, as opposed to spinal nerves which emerge from segments of the spinal cord. Some of these nerves are involved in the special senses of smell, sigh [..]

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